So Many Great Reasons To Join North Las Vegas Democratic Club
Maybe you love politics or maybe you don't but you know how important it is to be informed. Joining a club is a great way to know what is happening in your community. You can join just to be informed or maybe you are joining and looking for opportunities to volunteer. Those do arise as well. Maybe you just want to interact with like-minded people. We have been through quite a bit since Trump and Covid. Many people have felt more cut off and even afraid to talk to people if they don't know which way they lean politically. In a political club like ours, you can feel safe to discuss the issues that matter to us and unite in the desire to protect out right to vote, make our vote count and protect individual rights. We are stronger when we work together and it is much more enjoyable than working alone. We hope to see you at our next meeting whether it be a Zoom meeting or in person.
Nicole Hines Vice-President NLV Dems |
North Las Vegas Democratic Club Mission
To create a government FOR EVERYONE
that truly adheres to the preamble by establishing
justice, insuring domestic tranquility,
providing for our common defense, promoting
general welfare, and securing our liberties.
that truly adheres to the preamble by establishing
justice, insuring domestic tranquility,
providing for our common defense, promoting
general welfare, and securing our liberties.
North Las Vegas Democratic Club Vision
Create community awareness and involvement to promote
Democratic policies, causes, and candidates both locally and nationally.
Democratic policies, causes, and candidates both locally and nationally.